MTN - Thanks for giving the previously 'unknown' Park Rapids "Lakes to Pines" triathlon a little love this year. It is a well run, and extremely friendly, event. I returned back for my 3rd time in 2010. They had a record 63 individuals this year.
I believe the results are in process of being posted but I took some notes while there. Seven (7) males went under the previous course record. Five (5) females went under the previous female course record. Weather was perfect, if not a bit warm! Top 5 males:
Mike Fretland - Bismarck, ND
David Lewis - Nevis, MN
Eric Carder - Breezy Point
Dan Bjorkstrand - Guthrie, MN
Brian Maas (photo) - Plymouth, MN
Mike's wife Kailee won the females, so they did the family double! RESULTS
Brian Maas
Tundra Transition Zone
ED. Thanks, Brian!