Monday, December 7, 2009


Hello Friends,

I would like to formally announce that
WIN Multisport Events, LLC and all of its events and assets have been acquired by Final Stretch, Inc on Dec. 4th. The Hy-Vee Rochesterfest Triathlon, Waseca Triathlon and the Treadman Duathlon are being directed by Mark Bongers for 2010 and beyond. These events are now currently taking registrations. The WINMultisports website is up to date and will remain active for several months as the Final Stretch website is being redesigned. Mark and I have a strong business relationship and this move is a WIN-WIN for us.

This was not an easy decision for me. I love directing races and meeting all of the people. I will have a reduced role at these events, but I will be part of the staff at each.

I plan to be a participant of several races in 2010 in an effort to improve Bill the triathlete.

It has been my great pleasure to create these great events in the area with many of you helping us. I am extremely proud of what we have created and I know Mark and Final Stretch will continue to produce a great set of events.

Thank You very much for your support!

Lets have some fun in 2010.

Bill Nevala