Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Minnesota's Jonathan Balabuck freely admits that he didn't, as they say, "apply himself" in high school. As if to underscore this, he explains this period in his life in written language that is syntactically and punctuation-challenged, i.e. stream-of-consciousness stuff:

"i was a high school reject. didn't go. all i thought i needed was a skateboard and blue skies overhead - dropped out in grade 13 and went to work in the construction. realized i need education and returned to adult learning centre to finish my degree. i was humbled yet it forced me to focus. this picture (above left) is a joke, the mustache is a fake and i borrowed the glasses from a guy in line next to me. i laugh when i see this because it looks so real. this picture in my circle of life is legendary. i love to have fun."

Did you follow that?

In the last decade, Jonathan Balabuck, fun-lover and hasty writer, has truly turned his life around. He is now highly educated, professionally accomplished, a loving husband and father and, as you'll see if you read his bio below, a man of incredibly varied tastes and abilities.

He is also a life-saver, having done so on several occasions as a firefighter and also as an organ donor. His mother has one of his kidneys.

Stuff about Jon:

>Occupation: Professional Firefighter

>Education: University- Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON. HBA Geography, minor in history and

Environmental science. Masters in Education, have yet to finish Thesis

>Favorite food: pizza

>Favorite books: racing the sunset, high crimes, into the wild, future of life

Favorite Movies: casino, good fellas,

> Favorite actors & actresses: vintage Al Pacino and

> Favorite TV shows: entourage

> Favorite Singers or Bands? Hendrix, Zepplin, Neil Young, Johnny Cash Old Metallica

, Iron Maiden, Wu-Tang, Dr.Dre, 50 cent,... yes this is the most eclectic music list known

> Favorite Songs? Hey Joe-hendrix, Over the hills and far away-zepplin, hurt-cash

> Your Perfect Meal: 1 fist imperial chicken burrito and lighthouse pale ale

> Favorite Restaurant: Burrito Union in Duluth: Imperial Chicken!

> Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: Beer

> Non-Tri Hobbies: playing Classical Piano,

> Favorite Pro Teams: edmonton oilers (hockey)

> Favorite College Teams: U of M because I used to race XC in University

> Heroes? graham obree

> Dream Vacation Destination? galapagos Island

> Winter Training? How do you train in the off-season?

I XC Ski lots and do a whack load of snowshoeing. I also play hockey.

And speaking of loving to have fun: What is invisible and smells like worms?

Give up?

Bird farts.