Friday, May 7, 2010


(Photo: Wells Rice carrying his mom in his backpack.)

Cyclist/triathlete/tank top wearer Brooke Darst Rice has a doctorate, tattoos and a Keifer Sutherland fixation. Her perfect meal would include Cheez-Its and craft beer. And she doesn't hyphenate her cool tripartite name. She's also a new mom and a dog lover.

Here's some more "Going Off-Course" stuff about the great person named Brooke Darst Rice:

Age: 34

Colleges, Degrees: University of Minnesota, Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT)

Family: Mark (partner), Wells (14 month old son)

Pets: Caffrey (11 year old boxer who's fighting lymphoma)


Books: Everyday Blessings (I'm such a new parent)

Movies: Birdcage (with Nathan Lane and Robin Williams), Love Actually

TV Shows: 24

Actors: Keifer, because he gives us 24

Singers/Band: 10,000 Maniacs for everyday, Black Eyed Peas on the way to races

Restaurants: Gigi's, Birchwood

Junk Food: Cheeze Its and anything sweet

Alcoholic Beverages: Breckenridge Brewery's Vanilla Porter

Non-Tri Hobbies: Who has time for hobbies besides tri?

Dream Vacation Destination: French Polynesia

Pet Peeves: Having the conversation, "How are your doing?" "Good"

Tattoos: yep

Favorite relaxation clothes: tank tops

Something Goofy about you: For 15 years I sang, "It's bigger than Germany," to the song "Love Bites" when Def Leopard sings, "It's bringing me to my knees."

Dream Job?: having time to talk to patients and get down to the root of their physical problems while working for people with integrity...wait, that's my current job

Fantasy? (Want to a Movie Star, Famous Singer, etc.): I've always wanted to conduct and orchestra