Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The "Powers that Be" at Gustavus Adolphus College have instructed the organizers of what used to be known as the Gustie Triathlon to change the name of their event. Legal stuff. The race, the umpteenth edition of which is this Saturday (May 8), will "hereafter be known forthwith" (cool legal talk) as the "Take the Hill Triathlon." As the name hints, the bike course is not as flat as a pool table.

This event, which starts and finishes on the bucolic campus of one of Minnesota's coolest and not-un-pricey institutions of higher learning named after a 17th century Scandinavian guy with a totally cool Latinized monicker--the dude's real name was Gustav II Adolph
(photo)--is low key and welcoming. Check out "Smiling Kickstand Lady" on her totally unsized bike in the photo above. Is that a cool, or what? She's a wonderful reminder that Triathlon, replete with its myriad of physical, emotional and social benefits, is for EVERYONE, even those who purchased their equipment and apparel at Target in 1982. Triathlon is both a sport and a wonderful form of recreation. Those folks--the ones with kickstand bikes and Chuck Taylor shoes--are just as totally Rock Star-ish as their Orbea riding, 2xU wearing brethren and sistren.

There are a plethora of cool things to do, see and consume in St. Peter, which is only about and hour's drive from the Twin Cities. Make sure you check one or more of these places out:

* Patrick's on Third (see below) - 20 Taps, Great Burgers.
* Whiskey River Emporium- Yumilicious Food.
* River Rock Coffee - Great Atmosphere, baked goodies and caffeinated beverages.
* Richard's Restaurant & Pub - Try the Coconut Shrimp.
* P.J.'s Pizzeria - Great Specialty Pizza's. Sauerkraut & Mountain Oysters, Stuff like that.

There are also museums, an arboretum and historical society, if you like cultural stuff.

And by the way, we believe that 2009 women's champ Kathleen DeWahl and Chris Leiferman will win this year's race, which will probably be contested under cloudy skies with "gustie" winds and temps hovering between 45 and 50.