Thursday, March 11, 2010


Press Release:

Make your miles more meaningful by joining the American Cancer Society DetermiNation (formerly known as Charity Runner) team! DetermiNation is the American Cancer Society's nation of athletes dedicating their participation in endurance events to a lifesaving effort to fight a disease that has already taken too many lives. Since 1996, thousands of our athletes have had an experience of a lifetime while raising millions for the fight against cancer. With every step taken and every mile conquered, these determined athletes are helping create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

During 2010, our runners are participating in the following races:

- Stillwater Marathon, half-marathon, 20-Mile and 12K, 5/30/10
- Minneapolis Marathon and Half-Marathon, 6/6/10
- Grandma's Marathon and Half-Marathon, 6/19/10
- Manitou Triathlon, 6/13/10
- Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, 10/3/10

By joining DetermiNation, you enable the American Cancer Society to help people get well, stay well, find cures and fight back. It takes determination to endure. It takes DetermiNation to find cures.

For more information about our DetermiNation program, please visit or contact Steve Skinner at 651-255-8145 or at