Sunday, March 21, 2010


MTN congratulates stud triathlete and Birkie skier Ananda Bates, who used to sport the best dreds in the entire triathlon world, and his wife Jennifer on the totally unmedicated (Ouch!) birth their new son, Julian. Ananda shared this happy news with us via e-mail and he left out the exact date of birth and the size of the infant. Judging from the baby's size in the above photos, our guess is that Julian was born recently. As for size, we suspect he weighs between four and 15 pounds and is in the range of 17 to 35 inches long.

Ananda, we'll miss the dreds but the new "do" rocks.

LATER: Ananda sent this e-mail:

"...actually me dreads are just back in a ponytail. And all of Julians stats are included in the image. read the middle copy. youre so funny. thanks for the free publicity."

ED: Oops! Hey, does anyone else have trouble reading the copy on the dark background? Must have had another "senior moment."

EVEN LATER: Ananda wrote:

"Ah, well in that case the particulars are as follows.
Julian Teyo Hanson Bates was born at 11:42 pm on March 19th. Weighing in at 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.

We're all very excited to have increased my cheering section by one as I'm sure all will see him at the races."
