Wednesday, March 10, 2010


2009 Minnesota Multisport Rookie of the Year Suzie Finger freely admits that she is "A Juicer." Don't misunderstand. She's not saying, like late rocker Janis Joplin used to, that she prefers Jim Beam and Jack Daniels to acid, ludes and horse, yesteryear's drugs of choice. Heck, we don't know if Suzie likes to occasionally slam a few beakers of Grey Goose or a few shots of Jaeger. Maybe she does. But probably not. What we are saying is that she's into making various juicy concoctions, especially from healthy stuff like tree bark, bird nests and topsoil.

Here's a wheatgrass (yum!) recipe from her cool blog site:

Pass The Grass

Ann Wigmore's Wheatgrass Smoothie

Ann Wigmore was the very first person to juice wheatgrass. She used to nibble on grass and suck out its juice. On the chance it might grind grass, she purchase
d a meat grinder at a garage sale, tweaked the machine, added a stainless steel straining sieve and it became the world's first wheatgrass juicer. Ann also ran the Boston Marathon. Very cool, I love an endurance athlete on the grass.

-3 oranges
-1 ripe banana
-1 lime
-2 or 3 inch round wheat grass
-13 ice cubes

If you haven't visited Suzie's site yet, we encourage you to do so. Isn't it fun to imagine Suzie and her coach/pal Dan Cohen washing down their extra hot Buffalo Wild Wings with a smoothie made from tree bark and bird nests?